Child in the Midst

23 01 2009

Suppose that I am part of a silent Martian invasion, and that my intention is slowly to destroy the whole culture of the human race. Where would I start? I would start where thought first grows. I would start with children’s television. My policy would be to give the children only the sort of thing they “already know they enjoy”, like a fizzing diet of manic jelly-babies. This would no doubt be exciting, but their hearts and their minds would receive no nourishment, they would come to know nothing of the richness of human life, love and knowledge, and slowly whole generations would grow up knowing nothing about anything but violence and personal supremacy. Is that a fairy-tale? Look around you.
© Copyright Oliver Postgate 2003

This week

  • The Imagination of God
  • Godly Play Blogspot
  • WYMAD?
  • Lent Resources
  • Off the Bookshelf

The Imagination of God
The second annual Godly Play lecture was held on 6th December in Birmingham. The text of Martin Steinhauser’s lecture (with the theme `The Imagination of God’) is now available on the Godly Play UK Website along with the handouts.

Godly Play Blogspot
Continuing on the Godly Play theme, Caryl Menkhus (Director of Training at the Godly Play Foundation in the States) has started a Godly Play Blog. It’s a great chance to follow the thinking as Godly Play continues to grow and develop.

Will You Make a Difference? is a DVD with a whole host of resources to challenge churches as to the difference they are making to children’s lives. Introduced by the Bishop of Southampton, it asks the question, `How are you helping this generation of children hear and respond to the message of Jesus?’ Some excellent material to provoke discussion, thought and action.

Lent Resources
If you haven’t already planned for Lent, here are some resources that might be useful:

Count Your Blessings from Christian Aid offers a calendar to follow for Lent.
The Barnabas Website has a vast array of ideas for Lent and Easter – it’s arranged alphabetically, so keep scrolling down.
Love Life Live Lent now has a family book to join those for children and adults.

40 actions to make a difference to the world – over 250,000 people have already taken part!

Off the Bookshelf

Scripture Union has expanded its ULTIMATE series! There are now:

They’re crammed with ideas for all occasions!
Pub. Scripture Union £9.99 each

When people talk about children in the Bible, it’s usually in connection with a few passages in the Gospels, and perhaps the stories of Samuel, Naaman’s servant girl and Moses in the bulrushes. This new book makes visible the children hidden throughout Scripture, exploring the implications for the contemporary church. I’m up to Chapter 5, and am enjoying the change to look at familiar texts through fresh eyes. The Emerging Kids Blogspot is also reading the book and offering reflections on it chapter by chapter.

The Child in the Bible
By Marcia Bunge (ed.)
Pub. Eerdmans ISBN: 978 08028 4835 2 £16.99

Dust down the costumes, get out the greasepaint – Scripture Union’s Holiday Club material this year lifts the curtain on the greatest show on earth! Drama, story, song, prayer and activity combine as children explore the stories of creation, David and Goliath, Daniel, and Jesus’ birth, death and resurrection. Supported by a DVD, Showstoppers offers everything you need to run a Holiday Club.

Pub. Scripture Union ISBN: 978 1 84427 343 0 £9.99



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